Friday, February 27, 2009

One Birthday Girl, coming up!

Is it possible our bug is turning TWO? From her actions and tantrums lately, yes - it's very possible! But in our hearts, it just can't be!! haha Seems like we brought her home just yesterday, and now she's a talking, running, independent, demanding, emotional drama queen!! (I'm sure I missed a few others in there!)

We're having our families over Saturday for cake and ice-cream. Just a small informal thing, Monday the three of us will celebrate her day again.

This will be the first time my Dad has been down since September or October! I'm anxious for us to be together....we really need to all get together and enjoy each other without wondering who Dad's nurse is, or if he's getting rest, or worried that he's tried to get out of bed and fallen - ugh that was such a scary time!

We're looking forward to another year full of changes and surprises with Madelyn - she makes us so happy, and I'd be lying if I didn't say that she made us sad and angry occasionally as well! She's our sweet girl...such a gift!

Happy Birthday Madelyn!


Kimberly said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!! Time passes WAY to quick with the little ones. Enjoy the day with the family!!!

Amanda said...

Happy Happy Birthday Madelyn!! I love this age, when they start talking and expressing their will never laugh so hard. As far as the drama queen stuff goes....welcome to life with a little girl. The drama never ends but it's sooo worth it. Love you guys!