Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Get better Haylie!

We're thinking about Haylie...she's back at Walter Reed. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers! She's had a fever the past several weeks and complaining of some aches and pains. The first phone call Ben got was that she was in heart failure again, then they thought possibly meningitis...but numerous tests are being done and hopefully we'll hear something today. We talked to her on the phone lastnight and she was in pretty good spirits, that's Haylie for ya. She's a fighter!

Mom and Dad are on their way up this morning, going back and forth to the hospital is (unfortunately) something they're use to doing. We'll keep everyone updated as we hear anything.

We love you Haylie!!

Here's Haylie holding Emily
Haylie and Madelyn on Easter


Kimberly said...

We'll be praying for Haylie. Please keep us posted on how she's doing and let the Jones' know that they're welcome to stay here if they need a mid-way stopping point.

Melissa said...

Thank you! You're the best :)

Amanda said...

I hope she is doing better. We are praying for Haylie too. Please let her know that we are thinking of her and wishing her good thoughts!