Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Is summer really almost over??

OK - is it me, or are we heading into August already, July flying by so fast our heads are spinning? Whew....soon we'll be putting away the shorts and pulling out our fuzzy jammies and sweaters, well - really not as soon as I'd like, but it's around the corner!

We had a quick trip to the beach a few weeks ago, we usually stay at week down in the Outer Banks, but this time it was just long enough for us to get a whiff of the salty air and have the sand quickly dance on our toes, and cars. :) We weren't going to go at all this year, having just had Emily and the way money is right now, but a friend has a house down there and let us use the few days it wasn't being occupied. It was a nice little getaway, Emily was the most relaxed of us all there! Madelyn's TRYING TWO'S kept us on guard at all times - but she did have fun. Thanks Mom!

We'll pick right back up with weekend BBQ's and fun with friends and their little ones. Soon the summer picnics and swimming pools will be put away and we'll be starting pre-school and picking pumpkins!

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