Friday, January 29, 2010

A Brand New Year...

That's the latest song filling our house..."now we have a brand new year, brand new year, brand new year.  Now we have a brand new year, it's two-thousand-ten"  Oh how we love our little singer! 

So it's a brand new year, brand new start at keeping resolutions and trying to fix the ones we didn't follow last year.  Resolutions aren't my favorite thing in the world, I seem to come up with them troughout the year, not just at the start.  Honestly, I can't say that I've ever stuck to one! 

This year, though, there are a few changes I'd like to make for good.  Of course they are to better myself, which will in turn better the lives of my girls and my relationship with Ben.  I don't want to share them all, they are special to my heart and plus if I tell everyone -- then I'm held accountable!  haha

Mostly they have to do with health -- after my Dad's scare with cancer, and with my skin cancer....I just want to feel better overall - physically and mentally.  Which means eating better, exercising more, sunscreen, sunscreen, and...sunscreen!  Mentally I need a little kick in the butt, too.  I have so many blessings in my life, sometimes I don't take the time to stop and really appreciate each and every one. 

Something else I want to do is spend more time with my sister.  I took Madelyn and Emily over there yesterday for the you know it has been probably a year and half since I went to her house??  Seriously, she lives 40 minutes away!  She has a super busy schedule, which I totally understand.  But she and Mary make every effort to stop by when they can - even if it's every few months.  We, on the other hand, don't make much of an effort to visit them.  But regardless, she's my sister and I love her - and even if it's been a few months since we've seen each other, we can pick up like it's only been days.  This is part of my mental health issue...   (well, one of them!!)

The past few weeks have been hectic - ear infections, sinus infections, grouchy little ones...but we're better now.  And I'll get back into the swing of blogging, too!  Snow is coming tonight, we'll have a fun weekend playing outside for sure.  Madelyn has been waking up every day this week asking where the snow is.  She assumes the sun melted it away...but she'll be surprised when she sees it tomorrow morning!

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