Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Movin' on...

I can honestly say that I do not wish to move again, unless we have movers who will get rid of our junk, take donations to Goodwill, clean, feed our children, AND pack us up, move our belongings, unpack our belongings and go to the grocery store the day after we move in.  Think there's anyone out there for that?
I am finally starting to regroup and feel settled in our home.  The week of June 18th is a blur...it was sad to pack up all of our family possessions (including our children!) and start fresh in a new home.  BUT - it's been great and we know it was one of the best decisions we've made for our family.

Before I go on - I have to send out some VERY special THANK YOUS to some very special people who helped in so many different ways.  We could not have made this move without BOTH of our Dads who worked way too hard, yes - both of you - who would've thought that our two biggest helpers would be a 50 something who survived a heart attack and a 60 something who survived cancer??!!  But they are our Dads and they are MARINES and in our eyes, they can do anything!  THANK YOU - WE LOVE YOU!!!
All of our friends - Kim & Kyle, Fred & Amber, Erica & Brian, Jake & Catherine - thanks for your blood, sweat and trucks!  We're so thankful for our friendship with you all - know we're here for you! :)

Whew - now onto our move, it was quick - but it took forever, if that makes sense.  Closing was hectic but we had the keys to our new  home by 4:00 on closing day and we were elated to have that part of it behind us.  We had that 26 footer loaded up in a few days and unloaded in about 6 hours...and the zebra truck was gone from our lives for good, thank God!

It took a few days but for the most part, we had boxes unloaded and things in place by the end of our first week here.  We love it - the girls love it - Kona loves it.  We have room to spread out and a great big yard for the girls and the dog to play in.  We feel very blessed to have been able to do this for our family in such "uncertain" financial times.  Things happen for a reason, and everything fell into place for everyone involved. 

    Holding zone moving week, HATED this!

Madelyn was such a helper!

So long zebra truck!

Our final destination:

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