Thursday, July 31, 2008

Helping hand...

Madelyn has been quite the helper lately. Several months ago, she would pick some imaginary thing up from the floor and put it in your hand...but there would be nothing there. So we'd say, "Wow, thank you!" NOW she finds fuzz, dog hair, crumbs, string, anything - and takes it to the trash can. She says "ta-tu" (thank you) as she throws it in. We have our own little vacuum! We might be in trouble when it comes time for allowance!

Today she helped get the mail from the mail box and even helped with dinner -- we didn't tell Daddy that she helped until after he ate!

We'll be heading for Amanda's after lunch, we're looking forward to a fun weekend. Then in a few weeks it's off to the beach!

Here's some mail!

Just a little longer now...

Whats the next ingredient?

Here Kona, what do you think?

Hangin' out in my tent

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