Sunday, February 1, 2009

A great sight to see

We visited my Dad today at the rehabilitation facility, he's getting around OK. He's been a little frustrated that he's had to start learning how to walk and do things all over again. It's hard for him - but he's taking it pretty well. He's such an active guy, and always working on SOMETHING, it's difficult for him to stay confined to the wheelchair.

He had my brother bring his all the Christmas presents he bought and he gave them to us today. We wanted to wait until he was home, but he was anxious to give them out. So Madelyn was surprised with a few new things from her Grandpa.

It was such a great feeling to talk with him and see him able to move himself around in the wheelchair. It's still hard to accept that he's different now - but we're so thankful for the recovery he's made. It may be another week or two before he's able to do things more on his own. He has taken this last round of chemo well - he looks a little washed out, and he's tired - but luckily that seems to be the worst of it. He's started to lose his hair, too - not that he had ALOT of hair to begin with! He's lost alot of weight also - I think like 40 lbs! But he's done so well, and he's only going to get better. THANK YOU everyone for continuing to pray for his recovery!!!

He's not really a picture person, even when he's healthy, but I had to get a few of him taking Madelyn for a ride in his wheelchair :) You'll notice he's decked out in his USA hat, USMC sweatshirt and flaming Superman pants!! Along with his favorite running shoes on....thats my Dad. I sure do love him!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I bet he's glad to be home...that was such wonderful news! Keep up that works! He's only going to get stronger from here, even if it takes a little time. We're praying for a fast recovery.