Friday, February 27, 2009

Transitions --

Well our excitement over Madelyn's quick adjustment to her big girl bed was short-lived! Lately she's been waking in the middle of the night, waking EARLY EARLY in the morning, and struggling to nap -- back to screaming and crying MAMA. I don't think it's the bed, I don't know what it could be but it's exhausting I know that! I wonder if it's molars?? Don't they get their second molars around two years? She's been biting fingers and drooling an awful lot lately.
I can deal with it for a little while, but I'm the type of person I have to know WHY and want to help her fix it! I layed her down for her nap about 15 minutes ago and the screaming has ceased for now, she's doing something in there - but NOT sleeping!


Kimberly said...

That bring back memories of Rudy!!! After having such a tough time with Jake, I was preparing myself for the second round of big boy bed training. The first few days went suprisingly well and without any real issue...then the whole "this is almost too easy" thing came to a stop and reality took over. Again, we just had to keep consistent with putting him back in bed and eventually he caught on. I remember Jeremy and I taking shifts standing outside his room and just putting him back in bed again and again. It makes me smile now, but wasn't so cute. :) She'll get the hang of it soon!!!

Amanda said...

It does sound like she may be cutting some teeth with the drooling and irregular sleeping patterns. She may need a little tylenol if she's drooling and fussy. You'll get through it, but I know you must be exhausted. Hang in there and make sure you're getting rest when you can. Love you!