Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Potty time in the Jones house!!

The potty training summer boot camp has officially kicked off in our house. As of 1:00 today, Madelyn has gone not once, not twice...but FIVE times on the potty! YAY!! I'm so excited for her, the look on her face when I started jumping up and down on the bathroom floor is one I'll never forget! She is so proud of herself, and we are sooo happy for her - and for our wallets also!

We had been trying the past several months, but not seriously...Emily was on her way, then Madelyn started the crazy bedtime thing, then Emily arrived, so we never wanted to push her with too many things going on. Today, after two yucky deliveries in her Pull-Up, I told her there would be no more and she'd have to start wearing her big girl underwear. She pranced around all day with them on - and she drank more milk, water and apple juice today than she usually does in a week!

The first potty came before naptime, then shortly after nap, before and after dinner and before bath time. After she'd been in bed about 20 minutes, we heard "I need a new pull-up". She went potty in her pull up and she didn't like it! We're off to a good start so far!


Amanda said...

Did you ever think you'd be so happy to hear the sound of pee entering a toilet??? Good for Madelyn!! What a big girl! I can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!! Love yous!

Kimberly said...

Hope she's not fighting you about peeing standing up anymore. :)
We'll know for next time we're over, not to let Rudy potty train her!!!

Melissa said...

Manda: yes, LOVE the little trickle - who woulda thunk it?? hehe

Kim: we found that standing is a great way for her to start, so we're sticking to Rudy's ways for now. Thank goodness he was here to show her!! :)