Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Friday!!

Friday, ahhh, the weekend is upon us...  Do you ever wake up to one of those days, the way it starts - you just know it's going to take you over?  Well, mine started that way - but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let this day slam it's ugly door in my face!

It started with a certain drama queen screaming in her room at 7am, which woke up the little drama queen - but she woke up happy, she always does, arrgh  ...  So then it was a kicking and screaming fit on the floor that she didn't want to go to school - ok, keep calm, Mom - maybe I'm not awake yet, how did I get up these stairs without any coffee anyway???  Trying to take charge of the situation and get this queen ready for school was not working - so --- the worst possible thing in the world is about to happen to her - Toy.Story.Friends.Are.MINE  The screaming stops and she's pleasantly eating breakfast....

Until...time for shoes and coat to get to preschool...tantrum #2 begins, but I'm determined and stand my ground...we finally make it to school...she has forgotten all about her Toy Story friends who are mine for the day and she's thrilled to see her teacher...and so am I! :)

Back at home, Em and I have laundry going, I just finished working out, gotta pay some bills, get lunch ready for the misfit when she arrives home and then (crossing fingers) it will be nap time...

Take that you Friday!! 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Don't ya just love it?! She was just having a bad day! Poor mommy!