Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hello, are you out there?

Does anyone still keep up with our long lost blog?  We all know it's been a long time since I've posted a blog.  Things have been fine for all of us ... our girls are growing like the weeds that are thriving in this 100+ heat wave, Ben and I are here - thankful those weeds are green but trying not to let them take over!!  HA 

No really - we're thankful for our health and family, thankful we're able to enjoy day trips and vacations, thankful for our friends and play dates.  Things have been good - really good.

Although I'd be fibbing if I didn't say we've had a hectic sort of year, adjusting to some family changes, some "what-ifs" and unknowns that neither Ben or myself seem to take in a go get 'em sort of attitude.

I have said it before, and never stuck with it - I (we) have to make some changes.  I get so caught up in finding all these things to better my day-to-day life, but never give myself time or energy to focus on it.  I think I'm too hard on myself and don't allow myself time to think of... ME.  We love our life, where we are and what wonderful blessings we have, but something is just missing...something little - something simple.  Just a small tweak could mean a whole lot more happiness for me, which means for us all :)

We're leaving for the beach in a few days, a much needed vacation to re-group and think about what truly makes us happy, what that small tweak will be when we return home and hit it head on!

Feels good to post again, whew - big sigh!

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