Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Mommy and Madelyn are SICK, again! This weather is crazy, 75 last Friday - then 50 - just stay one or the other, would ya?? Madelyn's cold is about gone - snotty nose again. I, on the other hand, still feel pretty cruddy, feverish, congestion - the works. Yesterday I was on the couch and had my eyes closed for not even 5 minutes. It got super quiet so I knew little miss was probably doing something she wasn't suppose to be doing...she climbed on the kitchen table and decided to play with my camera! Whoa - that got me up REAL quick!

We didn't go anywhere yesterday since we were both sick - we made cookies and stayed in our pjs all day. It was nice, although Ben had a fit when he got home that his daughter wasn't dressed!!??? OK - he got home at 5 and immediately insisted that she get dressed, only so that in 2 hours she can put her jammies back on? He made me feel like a lazy housewife who doesn't take care of her kids or something, weirdo! Well, OK so maybe the truth is out now :) So maybe we did sit around and eat cookie dough and watch soap operas....NO - NEVER!! haha

Last week we went to the Children's Museum with Erica and Peyton - that was a great time! (Kim we should do that one day, the boys would have so much fun!!) I can imagine ALL the germs in that gross place, wish I could blame that but I think her nose was runny before we went there. But the girls had a good time playing in the water table and climbing up and down all the obstacles. Madelyn loved the pretend kitchen and driving the car, she even worked in the auto shop for a little while!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Cookie dough always makes me feel better! I hope you both feel better. I don't know how you do it...chasing after a toddler, being pregnant, AND being sick! You may not feel it...but you are Super Woman!!! Love you guys!