Sunday, November 9, 2008

A quiet weekend at the Jones' house

We had a quiet weekend around the squeals, no ABC's, no ELMO, no toys...and we even slept in! No, Madelyn wasn't grounded to her room for sneaking out...she spent the weekend with my Mom in Stafford. We packed her up and she headed up Friday afternoon, she was eager to go and had no problems waving bye to us - she even said "I wuv oo momma" and "I wuv oo dadda" It was bittersweet. We met Nana halfway this afternoon for the "pick up" and things are back to normal here in our home!

Ben & I had plans to work on the new nursery, do some painting and maybe get another crib. HOWEVER....since we didn't find out the sex of the baby Friday like we were suppose to, things changed little! Yes, I have become quite absent minded these days. I have never missed any appointment in my life - I write them down on everything I can and even call to confirm. WHY I didn't call this time, I don't know....Anyway, my ultrasound was scheduled for 9AM and I swore it was at 3. So we missed it completely. Now we have to wait another week. I was so upset with myself! But hey, we've waited 19 weeks so far, whats another???

We did do some price comparing on cribs -- got some ideas of what we like. We ate out and enjoyed adult conversations without interuptions like "MILK" or "MOMMY" or "BUBBA" or "ELMO" or "ALL DONE" --- aaahhh, it was nice. We got some yard work done, washed the cars, even painted our bathroom which I've been wanting to do since we moved in 4 years ago!

It was a good weekend, we needed this time to reconnect with one another. We picked up our bug and she welcomed us with big hugs and was a great feeling! We looked forward to this weekend so we could enjoy each other's company and have some quiet, but also to appreciate all those interuptions that we so quickly take for granted!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Can you say "jealous"??????
I'm almost drooling just hearing you talk about sleeping in. But, the day will come when I have to use a bull horn to wake the kids up.
I'm glad that you were able to get a lot done. It's amazing how fast you can do things when there's no little people around getting into everything!
Miss you guys!!!